Your Smart Home Tour: Come On In! [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Crystal Watts | Posted July 26, 2013

This week, we are breaking down the smart home with a cool infographic tour. There are so many different ways you can automate your home, making it work for YOU by complementing your specific and unique lifestyle. One of the greatest things about Control4 is the ability to add to it as time goes on. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Perhaps right now you are looking to rid yourself of the pile of remotes cluttering your coffee table and allow one remote to control it all—the Blu-ray player, TV, satellite, etc. Or perhaps you are looking to push the needle a bit further and have your lights dim when you hit the Blu-ray button. Or furthermore, maybe you want the lights to dim to 25% as the movie cues and the temperature to set itself to the perfect movie-viewing level—all from one touch. You can do all of this and more, and you can add on as your time and budget allows. The control is in your hands. What will you do with it?

Click on the image above to take the smart home tour. And if you are looking for a bit more information about home automation or are interested in planning your own project, check out smart home basics  for more tips and tools.