Shavy Jones

By Tyler Reed | Posted July 20, 2012

Shavy Jones Snow ConesIt's that time of year again. The annual convergence of hot weather, empty schoolyards, busy water parks and snow cone stands—also known as summer. Working at Control4 comes with several benefits. Yes I have the opportunity to "get my geek on" with all of the cool electronics we have around the office but one of the best parts during the summer is Shavy Jones!

Every other Friday Control4 brings in a local snow cone company called Shavy Jones to help cool the employees off a bit. Today just happens to be one of those Fridays. I've discovered the best way to enjoy a snow cone is with "buried treasure", which basically means the snow is thrown on top of vanilla ice cream so by the time you get down to the bottom it's just a sugary mess of deliciousness. Now the only question is tiger's blood or pina colada? I'll probably do both.

Let us know your favorite summer treat in the comments section.
snow cone