CHECKLIST: Some Helpful "To Do's" Before You Take Off

By Guest | Posted June 7, 2017

This guest post comes to us from Meg Park, Sales and Marketing Manager for Beach Properties of Hilton Head

Going on vacation is all about getting away from reality. When you’re sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand and a drink in your hand, you don’t want to spend a single moment wondering if you emptied the trash or left the lights on deter would-be burglars back home. As important as it is to be prepared with everything you need for your trip, it’s just as important to be certain things at home are taken care of at home while you’re away.
Ensuring your home is safe during your vacation means taking a little time beforehand to do some simple tasks, like mow the lawn and/or put mail delivery on hold. These can make your home a less-inviting target for burglars. If you’re a frequent traveler, it might even be beneficial to consider a home automation system that can be put into “Vacation” mode, turning on/off lights automatically, sending you notifications if a door or window has been accessed, or simply to manage the energy efficiency of the house for you.
And a good tip is to wait until you get home to post the photos from your vacation on social media. National statistics show an increase in the risk of being burglarized when people post about an upcoming trip or while they are in the process of traveling.
Keeping your home safe while you’re on vacation is just one of the many steps you’ll need to check off your list before your next trip. Follow this checklist the next time you go on vacation and you may be able to avoid wasting any of your precious time off worrying if everything is OK at home.