An Emphasis on ‘Trusted’: How network certification raises the bar for smart home services: networking,

An Emphasis on ‘Trusted’: How network certification raises the bar for smart home services

By jcorpuz

Finding a dealer with skills you can trust is key to enjoying a superior smart home experience. Smart home or not, any homeowner who experiences an internet outage knows what an irritating inconvenience it can be to be abruptly jolted back into the dark ages. Just about all of our modern luxuries, and even our home security systems, are now dependent on connectivity. This means that the more technology your home has, the more important it is that your network performs at its peak. But not all networks are built the same, because not all technology integrators are the same.

Wi-Fi: What it is, Why You Need it, and How to Make It Work Better.

By Guest

Wi-Fi used to be considered a nice convenience in the home — now it’s an absolute necessity. The number of connected devices will reach about 50 billion in the next five years, according to Dave Evans, former chief futurist at Cisco.


Pakedge and Control4 Join Forces

By Martin Plaehn, President & CEO

Today we announced the acquisition of Pakedge, a leader in advanced home networking products and cloud network-management capabilities for both wireless and wired networking solutions. Pakedge brings to Control4 deep networking expertise and an industry-leading suite of networking, power management, and remote monitoring products, along with advanced software capabilities unlike any others on the market today. Their founders, senior management, and product organization are joining the Control4 team and we are enthusiastic about all we can do together for the future of the smart home.


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