4K vs. Faux-K: Get What You Paid For: 4k, media distribution, uhdtv,

4K vs. Faux-K: Get What You Paid For

By Guest

If you are buying a new 4K TV, you probably want to make sure that you are capable of viewing true 4K images and not find yourself stuck living in last year’s 1080p world. That’s why we’re discussing true, native 4K versus Faux-K to make sure your new TV delivers everything you paid for.

Ready, Check, Go! What you need to enjoy 4K UHDTV!

By Guest

Do you live on the cutting edge and you want to experience the most and the absolute best that technology has to offer? Do you want to be able to count every dimple on Jordan Spieth’s Titleist, see every wool fiber in James Bond’s Saville Row tailored suit, and revel in every, um, detail of Christian Grey’s red room? Then what you want is 4K!...


All Things 4K - Get the Featured Article Here!

By Guest

Chances are you have some questions about what 4K TV is, why people are excited about it, and what you need to have to make sure you can enjoy all of the benefits it provides both now and for the foreseeable future. This e-book will answer all of your questions in an easy-to-read, non-technical manner to ensure you are prepared to ride the 4K revolution!


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