David Baker

Posts By David Baker

Control4 and Android Home Automation: android, ios, mobile tech, myhome, technology,

Control4 and Android Home Automation

August 29, 2013

My wife thinks Android home automation is a non-issue, but I beg to differ. There’s a reason that the “other brand” of home control for mobile devices isn’t really on her radar screen. She has Apple iPhone and iPad devices, and uses both to control everything in our home, from the temperature to the ceiling fans to the volume on the television. She’s extremely happy with the iOS version of Control4’s MyHome app, and she’s definitely not alone.

Multiroom Audio in a Multi-kid House

August 27, 2013

Up until a couple of years ago, multiroom audio wasn’t even a concern for our family. That was back in simpler times, when our kids just listened to whatever music we did, or whatever music we told them to listen to. But times have changed.


What Whole Home Audio Means Today

August 24, 2013

My teenagers keep reminding me how old I am, and my perspective on the topic of whole home audio is very obviously colored by my experience growing up as a teen of the 1980’s. So much has happened in the past 30 years or so to improve the home audio listening experience, it’s easy to forget how far we’ve come.


Taking My Smarthome for Granted

August 23, 2013

We had houseguests this week, and watching their reaction to my smarthome was really a fun experience. It served to remind me how much home automation has already changed my life, and how much it could change the lives of others.


How ZigBee Compares In Wireless Home Automation

August 16, 2013

ZigBee's use of mesh networking, low power, and low bandwidth make it an excellent option for wireless home automation, especially when used with Control4 lighting systems.


GEEKING OUT: Converting Music for Digital Playback

June 14, 2013

With the announcement of the Control4 Wireless Music Bridge, people living the home automation lifestyle saw their music-listening options broaden considerably. An entire universe of streaming music, talk, sports, podcasts and audio books is now available directly through your smart home audio system. But what if you just want to listen to <i>your</i> music? Whether you’re putting your music on a network drive or on a mobile device, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds when it comes to picking the right format for digital audio files.


May the Fourth Be With You: Celebrating Star Wars Day

May 3, 2013

I was seven years old in early 1977 when the first Star Wars movie came out. Back then it was just "Star Wars," of course, but today fanboys around the world know the movie as "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope." When you think about it, I'm a member of th


Control4 Announces New MindPod® Controller

April 1, 2013

Revolutionary "Game Changer" Product to Be Released in Late 2014


Taking a Vacation WITH Technology

February 13, 2013

If you Google just about any phrase involving "vacation" and "technology" you end up with search results much like the following:


My Sundance Wish List

January 18, 2013

Since Control4 is headquartered in Utah, we're very much aware of the Sundance Film Festival when January rolls around. According to Google Maps, it's exactly 37.1 miles from our corporate offices to the film festival Robert Redford founded in Park City,


Home Automation and New Year's Resolutions

December 31, 2012

A brand new year starts tonight at midnight, and lots of us are thinking about how we need to change our lives, our bodies, our habits and our homes. Traditionally, the time around New Year's Day has been a time for reflection and for making resolutions a


Automation in a Winter Wonderland

December 6, 2012

Last week I decided it was time to put up my lights for the holiday season. (To be honest, my wife actually did the deciding. She decided and I executed. That's the way it works at our house.) Since my home seems to get smarter and smarter with each passi


Mobile Computing Drives Thanksgiving Weekend Retail

November 28, 2012

It was a record-setting weekend. In addition to a record box-office bonanza for Hollywood (led by Twilight, Skyfall and Lincoln), many have hailed this past Thanksgiving weekend as a welcome relief for worried retailers. According to the National Retail F


DHCP vs. Static IP—Which Is Better?

November 16, 2012

People often talk about the home controller being the "brains" of a smart home installation. Extending that metaphor a little further, you might consider your home network as the "nervous system" of your home automation setup. Your home network allows all


Flashing Lights and Teenaged Giggles

October 11, 2012

As a Control4 employee with networking and technical training, I'm in the process of installing automation in my own home. I'm going bit by bit, starting with the "easy stuff." I got a bunch of my lighting controls installed over the weekend, and we're no


What's the "Killer App" in Home Automation?

October 1, 2012

In computing, a "killer app" is a program that is so valuable or popular that it basically guarantees the success of the technology with which it's associated. Technology historians have long said that the personal computer would never have caught on with


Get Extra Control With The Wireless Outlet Switch

September 21, 2012

Connect all your plug-in household appliances, like lamps and other electronics, to your Control4 system with the Wireless Outlet Switch.


The Dangers of Living in the Digital World

August 10, 2012

We often talk about a "connected life." But is it possible to have a "too connected life"?


Commentary: "Top 10 Emerging Tech Trends That Will Change Your Home"

July 23, 2012

According to this post on Electronic House by Lisa Montgomery:


Close the Dang Door!

July 16, 2012

I've only just begun to experience the wonder and goodness of home automation. As a four-month employee of Control4, I'm still just a newbie when it comes to taking control of my house. Most of what I've done so far has involved my growing home theater sy


Fourth of July Trivia

July 4, 2012

So our offices are closed today, but we still wanted to blog about something related to the Fourth of July. We thought we might post a few juicy facts that you might not know about Independence Day. Here we go:


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