EXTRA EXTRA! Read All About It...
By Shanan Carney | Posted January 29, 2013
This solid fourth issue of Home Smart Home brings some of the most unexpected environments to the forefront of automated living, including an unusual trot to a ranch just outside of Miami, where even the farm animals benefit from a few of the most innovative automated features we’ve seen yet. Better still—you needn’t even take our word for it: If you read this via the free tablet version of this magazine, you’ll also enjoy a video version of the story where you'll hear it all straight from the horses' (and owner’s) mouths. (How could I resist?) But that's not all: We'll bring you two different takes on London living. One is an amazing residence by the river Thames that includes a few features that will undoubtedly compete for your attention. We’ve got the timelapse photos to prove it. The other, you’ll find to be a most magnificent journey down—well, technically it’s up—an Alice-in-What-theheck?-like rabbit hole that will keep you rounding every corner in this Notting Hill home to see what you find next. Good thing we got a personal tour from the creative bachelor himself. With an imagination like his, we expect we might be back to see how he continues to blend his passion for unusual art with his clever ideas around automation.
And there’s more, of course. Croatia, anyone? Please page on! As always, please let us know if there’s a smart home you think we should feature in our next issue - and let us know in the comments section what you think of the newest issue!
Shanan Carney
Editor, Home Smart Home